Spain to Go podcast, Episode 1

August 27, 2020

Hey everybody!

And welcome to the Spain to Go podcast, episode 1.

It’s a beautiful day here in Barcelona.

A bit hot. August 2020.

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave in Siberia for the last 6 months or so, you know: it’s been a very interesting year, both here in Spain and elsewhere.

We’re going to have a lot to talk about here.

So, first off, why make a podcast about Spain?

Well, I’ve been living here for most of my adult life, and I really love the country. I love the food, the architecture, the landscapes, the cities, the towns. Basically everything about it – with just a few exceptions.

And on my blog I get a lot of feedback saying that what I write helps people with their move to Spain, or inspires them in some way.

So I want to continue helping people in whatever way I can to live their best Spanish lives.

Of course, I moved all the way over here without knowing anything about the country, so you can also do that. I didn’t even know about the basic stuff that everyone knows, like bulls and flamenco and sangría.

Honestly, I moved here having seen 3 or 4 films by Pedro Almodovar – and those were so ridiculous I can’t say I got much insight into Spanish culture from them.

And that brings us to the burning question on everyone’s mind…

Who the hell is this Daniel guy?

Well, thanks for asking.

I’m actually just some guy who moved abroad at a young age. I grew up in the middle of the desert in Arizona. My dad insists that I call it “Scottsdale”, but really it was just the middle of the desert. We didn’t even have a supermarket nearby for most of my childhood – everything was 10 miles away, across the sagebrush.

So as soon as I could, I got out of there. I moved to Spain when I was 21, to be with some girl I’d met twice. That didn’t work out very well, but I ended up staying in Madrid and loving it.

I was there for about 13 years.

financial independence in spain

And these days I’m in Barcelona, which is not bad either – actually, it’s grown on me a lot this year, now that we’re post-lockdown and we have the city almost empty, without tourists.

Of course, that’s a topic for another day.

In the meantime, I’ve spent my life here in Spain working as an English teacher and also as a writer. I’ve done some pieces for Lonely Planet on the Madrid vs Barcelona issue, old-school Spanish food and more.

Most of what I do these days involves teaching English online, for which I also have a podcast called Aprende Más Inglés. And my media empire extends to a few other things like YouTube, the Chorizo Chronicles blog, etc.

What can you expect from the Spain to Go podcast?

I’m hoping to make this podcast an interesting and informative look at life in Spain – especially life as an outsider, foreigner, expat, whatever.

I’ll be talking about some of my favorite places, things to do, food, culture. Whatever pops up, really.

I’m not very political, but I’m sure we’ll have some interesting times ahead with the Spanish government, so I guess I might talk about that. And I’m probably going to do some interviews with interesting people at some point.

Generally, I’m just hoping to have some fun and make something interesting.

If you’ve got any comments or anything you’d like me to talk about, just drop me a line, I’m easy to find.

Check out my Instagram if you’d like, or leave a comment on the blog.

And thanks for listening!

Have a good one,


P.S. Yeah, new podcast. That’s (more or less) a transcript, but if you want, you should really listen to it on Spotify.

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About the Author Daniel

How did I end up in Spain? Why am I still here almost 20 years later? Excellent questions. With no good answer... Anyway, at some point I became a blogger, bestselling author and contributor to Lonely Planet. So there's that. Drop me a line, I'm happy to hear from you.

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