There’s a lovely little town up in the north of the Madrid community called Patones de Arriba.
You can get there by car or (fortunately for us non-car-owning types) by public transport. Here’s a new article I wrote about it for Vaya Madrid: The Kingdom of a Handful.
The interesting thing about writing the article, for me, is that everything about the place is apparently just hearsay and conjecture. I couldn’t find much of anything that seemed like solid information.
Anyway, here’s another photo that I took in the 5 minutes of sun we had on an otherwise rainy day.
That’s about the whole extent of the town! Nice place!
For more day trips, check out El Pardo, Cercedilla, and Manzanares el Real. And feel free to hit me up with any questions you may have in the comments.
Mr Chorizo.