A lot of people come to my various websites trying to find “pirate” copies of my books. I know from Google Analytics what keywords people use to get here… I see everything!
Well, good luck, you pirates of the interwebs! As far as I know there are only site scrapers out there who promise free pdfs to get you to click on their ads. I have yet to see an actual pirate copy.
While you’re waiting, why don’t you buy a few copies? I made them cheap for a reason, you know!
If you want a PDF of my bestselling guide to how to learn English, go to aprendeingles.bigcartel.com and spend a few bucks! You can also get a .mobi (for Kindle) or a .epub (for iPhone and iPad).
Or a softcover on Amazon.com or Amazon.es.
Anyway, I’m not some giant corporation, I’m not Cambridge University, and I’m not making millions off this thing. I’m just a guy working at his dining table in a shared flat in Puente de Vallecas.
So before stealing something from me, consider my landlord, who needs to be payed every month. Consider my girlfriend, who likes going out to dinner a couple times a week. And consider the fact that we’re in the middle of a massive economic crisis, and I’m not doing any better than anyone else.
And buy my book, gosh-darnit!