¿Cómo ligar en inglés? Ojalá supiera… Pero cuidado. Que hay muchos malos consejos sobre el ligoteo por ahí. A saber… Una importante empresa internacional de enseñanza de idiomas
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¿Cómo ligar en inglés? Ojalá supiera… Pero cuidado. Que hay muchos malos consejos sobre el ligoteo por ahí. A saber… Una importante empresa internacional de enseñanza de idiomas
Three goats. Colmenarejo, Madrid, Spain. Colmenarejo is about 45 minutes bus ride from Moncloa, and it’s a nice place to walk around and see some animals. Also, there’s
It’s pretty easy to find prostitutes in Madrid. They stand around on certain streets, and advertise openly… Anyway, you know your country’s in crisis when an “escort service”
Ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Madrid? Years ago, people in Madrid unanimously agreed that Valentines Day was a stupid American holiday only celebrated by stupid Americans. They’d
Spanish people use a lot of false anglicisms. The other day I wrote an article that I feel is destined for fame in the Spanish-speaking world. It’s about
One of the other writers I met way back in the day while collaborating with (the now-defunct) Vaya Madrid magazine is Lauren, who has a really well-done food
This happened to me. For real. This morning. Here in Madrid… or at least in Vallecas. I went to the place I’ve been going to for a few
One day, a group of zombies decided to infiltrate Spanish high society. They thought it would be a good idea to join Opus Dei in order to secretly
“A ver si tomamos algo” is perhaps the most ambiguous sentence in the Spanish language. Roughly translated as “Maybe we could have a drink together some day,” it
Spanish Christmas never seems to end: here in Spain, the Christmas season actually extends past the 6th of January, when Spaniards celebrate Epiphany. The evening of the 5th