Another life pro tip would be, Instead of being dissapointed in yourself for falling short of your expectations, just promise to be better next time.
Negative emotions are a big time-waster. The sooner you forgive yourself and move on, the sooner you can continue being awesome.
Anyway, you’re not making your life better by complaining, and you’re definitely making other people’s lives worse.
P.S. Tim Ferriss is anti-complaining. And just look at him. He gives women 4-hour orgasms, has like -5% body fat (just looking at him causes others to lose weight), and is apparently so awesome he’s made a whole career out of telling people how to be awesomer. I’m just a weekend warrior at awesomeness compared to L’il Timmy.
P.P.S Find someone you consider to be wildly successful and tell me how much time they spend whining. That’s what Dale Carnegie did, and he came up with Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain as one of his rules for How to Win Friends and Influence People. I’ve found the same in the (admittedly small) number of wildly successful people I’ve met.
P.P.P.S. I’ve got an expanded version of this idea in the article Just Be Better.